Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Music in school .

Music in school should be allowed because in my opinion it helps you  concentrate on my work , instead of my friends . Music helps me vibe to the work that is needed to be done , so I can groove to my music while im getting my work done . I also think that it shouldn’t be a rule that you cant if your in 11th and 12th grade cause most of the upper classmen are 17 and older , therefor  we should be allowed to have our music  .
Music keeps me focused on what ever task is assigned to me . Certain music just makes me wanna get up and do what I gotta do . It should be a privalige for upper classmen to be able to listen to music . I think that if we were to try it and see what happens , you would see that people can do there work while listening to music . Im sure most teachers would be like “ Oh no , no music cause then students wont pay any attention to the task at hand “ when in all actuality once the teacher is done talkin and we know what we have to get done , we will put our music in our ears and start the work .
Im blogging about bein allowed to have music in school , but not only that ; is school has a lot of rules that you have to obide by and if not there are consequences .  Which I agree with most things not bein allowed in school because they are trying to show us responsibility and following rules , But I don’t think that they should have a rule about music because that helps motivate me in my opinion .

Apple iPod Touch 32 GB (4th Generation)Photo

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