Monday, February 7, 2011

Music .

Quote - A painter paints pictures on canvas.  But musicians paint their pictures on silence . – Leopold Stokowski .

Music is an important part of the world . Without music in society , I think that there would be a missing piece to the world . Music can inlfuence everyday life in many ways . Success in society , of course , is predicated on success in school .
Any music teacher or parent of a music student can call to mind anecdotes about effectiveness of music study in helping children become better students . Skills learned through the discipline of music , these stories commonly point out , transfer to study skills , communication skills , and cognitive skills useful in every part of the curriculum .
Another common variety of story emphasizes the way that the discipline of music study - particularly through participation in ensembles - helps students learn to work effectively in the school environment without resorting to violent or inappropriate behavior . And there are a number of hard facts that we can report about the ways that music study is correlated with success in school .
It has long been said that participating in music increases academic achievement in other areas. Anecdotal evidence of this ideas has been touted by dozens of officials, even by President Bush. True research based evidence of this positive effect has been less prevalent, leading to what some consider a lack of true music advocacy in our public schools. Schools in which music, despite the perceived benefits, continues to be considered a non-essential subject .

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